Todays #CuratedAsset is a very topical article that talks about what impact facemasks have on the ability to recognise emotions, trustworthiness, and ability to re-identify faces. The research found that masks that cover the mouth region greatly impair the ability to identify emotions correctly, as well as making it harder to identify someone without a mask who we have previously met. It also concluded that people who are wearing a facemask are rated ‘more trustworthy’ than those who are not. From this research, we may conclude that transparent facemasks would protect us, without compromising the very valuable ability to recognise emotions. They also allow us to be mindful and much more inclusive, particularly with consideration to the deaf community. Being able to recognise emotions is vitally important in the workplace and all group settings – without it, we inhibit the ability to form strong bonds between people. From this article, we can think about the best way to come out of the pandemic, while keeping people safe and happy; not just at work but everywhere. Click here to read: Leave in the comments any thoughts or ideas you have!
Posted by Emotion at Work Team at 2022-09-14 12:00:58 UTC