❗ Announcement ❗ Over the past few weeks, we ( @PhilWillcox and @Ashley Hilton) have been finalising our latest piece of analysis to publish here on the community. We are delighted to be able share this with you today - you can now access the full report in our Research and Analysis folder! The data set for this analysis is an interview of Matt Hancock on ITV's Good Morning Britain, which takes place on the one year anniversary of the first COVID-19 lockdown. The analysis is centred on the ways in which Matt Hancock consistently bends and/or breaks the 'rules' of conversation to seemingly push a particular agenda. Using the Co-Operative Principle by Grice as a guiding theory, this piece demonstrates the importance of meaning in communication and also provides additional insight and application for the workplace. If you have a read, we would love to hear your thoughts, reflections and opinions in the comment section below. Happy reading!

Posted by Emotion at Work Team at 2021-11-05 09:23:51 UTC